Friday, June 7, 2013

第三届-正式酒店Group Party 卷土而来 - 29th Jun Sat 10 PM

大家期待已久的正式酒店 Group Party 终于卷土而来了

The Hotel Group Party Which Wait By Everyone Finally IS BACK

这位超级BOTTOM是之前的其中一位参加者, 他不仅特别会叫床,还被10个top/ver 轮流上他,爽到他二天腿软到不能走路^^

This super bottom is one of the participant in before group party, he not extremely good in moan and also been fuck by 10 top/ver, shiok until can not walk for next day

Video take after the party which we meet again, i really miss his skill and moan

影片是party 之后我们见面之后拍的,我真的很想念他的技巧和呻吟声

之前的各种3p , 小Group 都是小儿科,又不尽性。

Before that all different kind of 3p or small group all is little piece of cake

相隔三个月后,终于想要弄个像样的Group Party 让16位参与者能够尽兴兼尽性

After three month later, finally want to organize a PROPER Group Party let 16 participantcan able enjoy to the uttermost

在还未开始任何事项之前,需要通知的事项就是,将会保留前五名参与者, 以上缴报名费RM 100 为准,前五名不需要任何审核

Before start everthing, Need to inform that, will reserve 1st to 5th Seat to any participant who have participate with submit the registration Fee RM 100 are without filter or Verify


However, 1st and 2nd seat have been booking already, mean in real only have 3 seat left for participant join without any filter or verify


无须审核的意思就是说,不论多胖,多丑,多瘦,多矮或其他任何情形,只要是前五名报名的(以缴费为准)他们给了照片后一定能参与这次的 Group Party

May be some of you will ask, What is the real meaning of Without Any Filter or Verify? 

Without Any Filter or Verify mean no matter how fat, how ugly, how slim, show short or etc, as long as is 1st to 5th participant (qualify with submit registration Fee) After they provide the PIC definitely can join the Group Party


If dun want be reject, please A.S.A.P be the top 5 participant


With this Practice, the remaining 11 participant sure will be high quality 

日期/DATE:29th Jun 2013

时间/ TIME : 10 PM

Any late comer will consider automatically cancel the participate, registration fee will be forfeited)

地点/Venue: 另行通知/Inform Separately

报名费用/Registration Fee : RM 100

进门礼品/Door Gift : 随机获得价值RM 50的 性感内裤或泳裤/Sexy Underwear or Swim Trunks by random Which COST RM 50 Market Value

报名方式: 呈交帅气或性感照片,按照指定动作并可清楚看到脸孔兼裸上半身 (所以请不要有浑水摸鱼的人,如对自己没有信心,就请尽快成为前五位报名者)
Registration Method: Submit handsome or sexy Photo , according instruct action and can see clearly of your face and topless naked body

取消: 如果参与者少于8人或主办单位在没有任何理由告知的前提下取消,报名费将全额退还

Cancelation : If participant less than 8 persons OR Organiser inform to cancel without any reason, registration fee will be fully refund

1 comment:

AhWee said...

wow.. that i think i cannot entry..